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« Heart’s Voice, Soul’s Voice, Celestial Voice,
Inner Voice  . . .  the most noble and TRUE,
that which inhales  . . .  that which exhales
that which vibrates, animates and revives,
that which lets itself be carried to the heart of life.
I dare to undertake the adventure of vibrating my vocal cords,
to express myself within a music that I experience ever more intensely.
Thank you for sharing with such love and simplicity. »
Hélène Deschamps

« Diving into a full awareness of ourselves that converses with everything that is « alive » within us and around us, until all our cells vibrate to the depths of our being . . . A creative invitation to share in the grandeur of human sensibility. » Martine Léonard

« A time of liberation, grounding and self-discovery. Each workshop happens at just the right moment helping to open heart and soul. » Manon Gauthier

« Step by step, I dared to listen to the sounds I made and to those made by others, until I had the great joy of finally tasting the powerful complicity of group improvisation !!! It’s an experience as playful as it is profound !!! I highly recommend it ! » Christine Péricart

« The workshops are a meeting place with all that is the most intimate and sacred within us : our breath. Through the breath, we have access to our inner richness and the impulse of life that enlivens us. Thanks to breath and sound, each participant resonates more and more with the frequency of their own colour, which allows us to create a marvellous mosaic together, rich with each person’s signature. I am infinitely grateful for the experiences I’ve had in Music from the Heart workshops. Thank you ! » Stéphanie St-Aubin

« The Music from the Heart workshop was truly a discovery for me. I have wanted for a long time to release the sounds I had kept within because I never allowed myself to express them. What a revelation it has been ! Not only was it possible, but it was beautiful. A beautiful liberation that permits me to experience marvellous moments of inner peace, of an empty mind and a renewed energy that I thought I’d lost forever. My whole being vibrated with sound. How enchanting ! » Laurent Lécuyer

« I fell in love with Music from the Heart ! Using the magic of voice and sound, Chantal guides us quietly and serenely to discover unsuspected riches, those which permeate our soul and heart. »
Louis-Benoît Gagnon

« An unforgettable experience that moved me to the depths of my heart. » Micheline Fontaine

« Each time in Chantal’s workshops, blending my music from within with that of others, has been a magical experience for me » Hang Bongers

« The atmosphere of trust and respect of the group in the workshop makes it possible to dare express oneself facing the unkown. »
Julie Bourbonnais


An exceptional vocal improvisation experience GAGNON, Louis-Benoît,
« Une expérience d’improvisation vocale exceptionnelle » ( An exceptional vocal improvisation experience) ,
Revue Chanter, November 2006.

Music from the Heart : a unique concept BLANCHET, Mylène,
« Musique du cœur : un concept unique » (Music from the Heart : a unique concept) ,
Accès, 15 September 2006.

Music from the Heart HILL, Annie,
« Musique du cœur » (Music from the Heart) ,
Main Street, January 2006.

Version française   © Voix du coeur - 2012-2023